
Showing posts from April, 2024

Exploring Education: Enriching Learning with Clubs and Museums

I nstructional Material and Resources Clubs The club is an organization where different activities take place to facilitate the actual teaching-learning process. It is something more beyond textbook teaching and normal classroom activities. Each and every individual has got his own creativity, attitude, and interest which could be explored through the different activities. Commerce Club is more informal and it takes care of the various domains of learning. Club activities are more practical. There is no assessment for club activities while club activities represent freedom of expression in classroom teaching represents conformity and repression. *The organisation of a club  * *Decide what kind of a club it will be* - the people in the club have a common goal and share a common interest. *Figure out where and when your club will meet*  - the activities should be organized once or twice in a week at a venue with timing mention by members. *Being recruiting members for your club...

Unlocking Learning Potential: Harnessing Information and Communication Technology as Essential Instructional Resources

 Instructional Material and Resources ICT AS LEARNING RESOURCE Now days, it is being observed that there is a paradigm shift in the teaching learning process and therefore in the support system that we use for effective teaching and learning. Information and communication technology is going through rapid and continuous change and therefore use of ICT is highly common in the teaching learning process. These changes are reflected by the change in the learning strategy of learners. Different researches proved that new generation of children are using these resources extensively and they share, use, develop and process information and technology for different purposes. According to Meiers (2009), the teachers are required to possess all the skills that are essential to utilize ICT resources effectively. In this digital age, there is a growing body of evidence that use of ICT in the classroom can enhance learning. It is essential that the contemporary teacher has good ICT skills and is...

Unlocking Knowledge: A Comprehensive Guide to Instructional Material and Resources in Libraries

Instructional Material and Resources *LIBRARIES* * Libraries support teaching and learning * A library is fundamentally an organized set of resources, which include human services as well as the entire spectrum of media (e.g., text, video, hypermedia). Libraries have physical components such as space, equipment, and storage media; intellectual components such as collection policies that determine what materials will be included and organizational schemes that determine how the collection is accessed; and people who manage the physical and intellectual components and interact with users to solve information problems. Libraries serve at least three roles in learning. First, they serve a practical role in sharing expensive resources. Physical resources such as books and periodicals, films and videos, software and electronic databases, and specialized tools such as projectors, graphics equipment and cameras are shared by a community of users. Human resources--librarians (also called medi...

Unlocking Learning Potential: Lab-Based Learning Instructional Materials and Resources

 Instructional Material and Resources *Lab-Based Learning* * Concept and Meaning of Lab-Based Learning * Laboratories are wonderful settings for teaching and learning science. They provide students with opportunities to think about, discuss, and solve real problems. Writing about laboratory teaching at the college level, McKeachie (1962) said: “Laboratory teaching assumes that first-hand experience in observation and manipulation of the materials of science is superior to other methods of developing understanding and appreciation. Laboratory training is also frequently used to develop skills necessary for more advanced study or research”. (in Gage, p. 1144-1145) * Utility of Lab-Based Learning * Since the late 19th century, science educators have believed that laboratory instruction is essential because it provides training in observation, prompts the consideration and application of detailed and contextualized information, and cultivates students' curiosity in science. It also pro...

Unlocking Education: A Comprehensive Guide to Teaching Learning Materials and Their Types

Teaching-Learning Material ( TLM ) Teaching Learning Material (TLM) refers to any material or resource used by teachers to facilitate student learning in the classroom . TLM can include a variety of materials, such as textbooks , workbooks, handouts, multimedia resources, manipulatives, and visual aids . *TYPES OF TEACHING LEARNING MATERIALS* Teaching learning materials are of various types and thus are classified and categorized in several ways. Edgar Dale’s cone of experience is one of the simplest ways of categorizing TLMs. He experimented with different TLMs and categorized them on the basis of type of experiences the learner acquires – from concrete to abstract. Another widely accepted and popular way of categorizing TLMs is based on the senses they stimulate in learners, which, in turn affect the effectiveness of teaching learning process. TLMs can broadly be classified into three categories. i) Audio TLMs ii) Visual TLMs iii) Audio Visual TLMs Let us look: into these categor...